
Pattern 01. I was ~ 나는 ~였어요.

 I was stupid/ I was foolish. 

 I was a bank teller/banker (banker-은행가, bank teller-은행원) 

 I was a good son.  

 I was a happy. 

 I was foolish then. 

Pattern 02. I wasn't ~ 나는 ~가 아니었어요. 

 I wasn't tired. 

 I wasn't greedy. (탐욕스러운)

 I wasn't lucky. 

 I wasn't convinced. (convince-설득하다) 나는 확신이 없었어요. 

 I wasn't excited about it. 

Pattern 03. Were you ~? 당신은 ~였나요? 

 Were you a cop? 경찰이셨어요? 

 Were you a doctor? 

 Were you with him? 

 Were you examined? 진찰 받으셨나요? 

Pattern 04. I was told to ~ 나는 ~하라고 들었어요. 

 I was told to do it. 그것 하라고 들었어요. 

 I was told to wait. 

 I was told to make a call. 시켜서 전화하는 거에요. 

 I was told to help you. 

 I was told to give it to you. 당신에게 주라고 시켰어요. 

Pattern 05. I was wondering if ~ . 나는 인지 궁금해 하고 있었어요. (혹시 ~일까 해서요)  

 I was wondering if you were coming. 나는 네가 올지 궁금했어.  

 I was wondering if I was dreaming. 나는 내가 꿈 꾸는지 생각했어. 

 I was wondering if it was true. 나는 그것이 진실인지 궁금했어. 

** 지난 시간 과제 Idiom 

 I have one in my mind. 맘에 두고 있는 것이 있어.  



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